What's New
We still accept articles for the next regular issue of the Berlin Historical Review and welcome papers from any field of historical research. Please send your submissions to: theberlinhistoricalreview@
We are delighted to announce the addition of Lisa-Marie Theis to the editorial board of the Berlin Historical Review. Lisa-Marie holds a master's degree in Globalisation and Development studies from Maastricht University. Please join us in welcoming her to her new role.
The BHR is proud to announce that it will be publishing a special issue in collaboration with Humboldt University Berlin and Dr. Martin Lutz this summer! We will be show-casing the best essays of a postgraduate student essay competition on the theme of "Community and Faith: A Social History of Religion in Modern Societies".
The Berlin Historical Review is now on Instagram. Take a look at our photos and follow @berhistrev for more!