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Author Guidelines
Please ensure that you fulfil the following submission requirements and meet both our author guidelines and formatting guidelines before you submit your work. These apply to article submissions, book reviews, source analyses as well as to academic commentaries.
General information
Any submissions sent to the Berlin Historical Review for consideration have to be the original work of the author.
We do not consider submissions that have previously been published elsewhere, as a whole or in part, or that are about to be published soon. The same applies to submissions which are currently under review by another journal or publisher. We therefore ask authors not to multi-submit. When submitting, authors agree not to submit a manuscript for electronic or print publication in another journal or to publish it elsewhere until the Berlin Historical Review decides to accept or reject it, or until the Author withdraws this submission.
Authors are required to secure any necessary permissions for the reproduction of copyright material, such as illustrations, prior to submitting their work. Authors alone are responsible for the contents of their articles and for obtaining permission for use of material under copyright protection.
Please provide high definition images if you wish to include any illustrations.
Articles should be written in English. However, we also consider articles in other languages. Prospective authors must in that case contact the editorial board in advance.
Please make sure your submission is formatted according to our formatting guidelines and contains your full name, course name and institution as well as an abstract of 200-250 words.
If you would like to make a submission please send an electronic copy of your article via E-mail attachment to
We will acknowledge the receipt of your submission by e-mail as soon as possible. Once it has been reviewed, we will contact you again to inform you about the decision that has been reached by our editorial board.
Please note that the copyright for articles published in this journal is retained by the author(s), with first publiation rights granted to the Berlin Historical Review. The authors have, however, consented to the following provisions associated with their copyright:
Authors grant the Berlin Historical Review the right to publish and archive their articles for an unlimited time and to make their articles available to readers on the World Wide Web, or through whatever medium the Berlin Historical Review determines is best to accomplish its purposes, whether the medium is now known or developed in the future.
Authors agree that the Berlin Historical Review is an open access journal made available by a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International License. Under this license, authors retain ownership of the copyright for their articles, but allow anyone to download, reuse, reprint, distribute, and/or copy or quote articles published in the Berlin Historical Review so long as the original authors and source are cited, the use is noncommercial, and the work is unaltered.
In case of an article's acceptance for publication in the Berlin Historical Review we will ask for an interval of at least two years between the appearance of the article in the Berlin Historical Review and any subsequent publication elsewhere.
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