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The Berlin Historical Review embraces all fields of history and accepts essays and articles on any historical topic. Our editors try to identify those articles that demonstrate an author's command of a specific historical subject and appeal to scholars working in other fields as well as non-specialists at the same time.
We thus look for submissions that are new in content and interpretation, comprehensive in form and will make a fresh contribution to historical knowledge. Such articles may employ chronological, thematic, regional and/or methodological approaches, or target a particular historical problem or question.
The Berlin Historical Review aims to offer a platform for stimulating intellectual debate by publishing innovative research and making it accessible to everyone. Whether you are a college student, an undergraduate, a postgraduate, an academic, a professional or simply a hobby historian: We look forward to receiving your work!
Word Limit
Articles and essays sent to the Berlin Historical Review for consideration should be of approximately 2500-12000 words in length. Please contact the editorial board before submission if your article is not within this limit. We do occasionally consider submissions outside of the word limit, however, these would need to be of exeptional quality.
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